What Happened to VSCO Lightroom Presets? Exploring Alternatives and Creating Your Own


VSCO presets were once popular among photographers and influencers.
VSCO presets were once popular among photographers and influencers.

Are you a photographer or social media influencer who uses presets to enhance your photos? If so, you may have heard the news that VSCO has discontinued their Lightroom presets. This decision has left many people wondering what happened and where to turn for alternatives.

Before we dive into those topics, let’s clarify what VSCO and Lightroom presets are. VSCO is a popular photo editing app that offers presets, which are pre-made photo filters that can be applied to your images. Lightroom is a photo editing software that also offers presets. Presets are an essential tool for photographers and influencers because they save time and provide consistency in their editing process.

Brief History of VSCO and Lightroom Presets

VSCO's decision to discontinue their Lightroom presets left many photographers disappointed.
VSCO’s decision to discontinue their Lightroom presets left many photographers disappointed.

VSCO was founded in 2011 and quickly gained popularity among photographers and social media influencers for its aesthetic and easy-to-use presets. Lightroom has been around since 2006 and is widely used by professionals and amateurs alike for its advanced editing capabilities and presets.

Both VSCO and Lightroom presets have evolved over the years, with new filters and styles being added to keep up with trends and preferences. However, VSCO’s recent decision to discontinue their Lightroom presets has left many users searching for alternatives.

Importance of Presets for Photographers and Social Media Influencers

Presets are an essential tool for photographers and social media influencers because they allow for quick and consistent editing. With presets, you can achieve a cohesive look for your photos and maintain your brand identity. They also save time by eliminating the need to manually adjust every individual photo.

In the next sections, we’ll explore what happened to vsco lightroom presets and provide alternatives and tips for creating your own presets. Stay tuned!

What Are VSCO Lightroom Presets?

Definition of VSCO Lightroom Presets

VSCO Lightroom presets are pre-made photo filters that can be applied to your images in Adobe Lightroom. They are created by VSCO, a popular photo editing app, and are designed to give your photos a specific aesthetic. VSCO presets can be purchased individually or as a bundle and come in various styles, such as film, vintage, and modern.

The Popularity of VSCO Lightroom Presets

VSCO presets have been popular among photographers and social media influencers for years. Their unique and trendy filters have helped many users achieve a cohesive look for their photos and maintain a brand identity. The app’s easy-to-use interface and affordable pricing have also contributed to its popularity.

Advantages of VSCO Lightroom Presets

The advantages of using VSCO Lightroom presets are numerous. First and foremost, they save time by eliminating the need to manually adjust every individual photo. With presets, you can quickly apply a filter to multiple photos and achieve a consistent look. They are also cost-effective, as you can purchase a bundle of presets rather than paying for individual filters.

VSCO presets also offer a wide variety of styles to choose from, allowing you to find the perfect look for your brand. Additionally, VSCO presets are easy to use and require no special skills or knowledge of photo editing software.

In the next section, we will explore what happened to VSCO Lightroom presets and why they were discontinued.

What Happened to VSCO Lightroom Presets?

The Recent Changes in VSCO’s Business Model

In recent years, VSCO has been focusing on its mobile app and subscription service rather than its desktop presets. Their mobile app offers a wide range of editing tools, including presets, while their subscription service provides access to exclusive presets and other features.

VSCO’s Decision to Discontinue Their Lightroom Presets

In June 2021, VSCO announced that they would be discontinuing their Lightroom presets. They stated that they would be focusing on their mobile app and subscription service, which they believe will better serve their users’ needs. This decision has left many photographers and influencers who rely on Lightroom presets feeling disappointed and frustrated.

The Impact of VSCO’s Decision on Photographers and Influencers

VSCO’s decision to discontinue their Lightroom presets has had a significant impact on photographers and influencers who use presets in their editing process. Many have been left scrambling to find alternatives that can match the quality and style of VSCO’s presets. Some are now turning to other preset providers, while others are exploring the option of creating their own presets.

Overall, VSCO’s decision to discontinue their Lightroom presets has caused a ripple effect throughout the photography and influencer communities. It remains to be seen how this decision will impact VSCO’s business and whether they will reconsider their decision in the future. In the next section, we’ll explore some alternatives to VSCO Lightroom presets.

Alternatives to VSCO Lightroom Presets

If you’re a VSCO user who’s feeling lost without their Lightroom presets, don’t worry! There are plenty of alternatives available. Here are a few options to consider:

Other Popular Lightroom Presets

One of the most popular alternatives to VSCO presets is Mastin Labs. Mastin Labs offers film-inspired presets that provide a classic and timeless look to your photos. Another option is Tribe Archipelago, which focuses on providing a natural and organic look for your images. Both of these options are highly regarded among photographers and influencers.

Comparison Between VSCO and Other Presets

When it comes to VSCO versus other presets, it’s essential to consider your personal style and the look you’re trying to achieve. VSCO presets are known for their trendy and modern aesthetic, while Mastin Labs and Tribe Archipelago offer a more classic and organic look.

Another factor to consider is ease of use. VSCO presets are known for being user-friendly and straightforward, while other presets may require more advanced editing skills.

The Importance of Finding the Right Presets for Your Style

Ultimately, the key to finding the right presets is to experiment and find what works best for you and your style. Don’t be afraid to try out different options and see what resonates with you. It’s also essential to consider the purpose of your photos and the message you’re trying to convey.

In the next section, we’ll explore how to create your own Lightroom presets and the benefits of doing so.

How to Create Your Own Lightroom Presets

The Benefits of Creating Your Own Presets

While there are many preset options available, creating your own presets has its benefits. Firstly, you have complete control over the look and feel of your presets, ensuring that they align perfectly with your brand identity. Secondly, creating your own presets allows you to customize them to your specific needs and preferences, so you can achieve the exact look you’re going for.

The Step-by-Step Process of Creating a Preset in Lightroom

Creating a preset in Lightroom is a simple process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Start by selecting a photo that you want to edit and apply a preset to.
  2. Edit the photo to your desired look using the various tools available in Lightroom.
  3. Once you’re happy with the edits, go to the “Develop” module and click on the “+” icon next to the “Presets” folder.
  4. Type in a name for your preset and select the settings that you want to include in the preset.
  5. Click “Create” and your new preset will be saved in the “User Presets” folder.

Tips for Creating Your Own Presets

When creating your own presets, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Use a consistent editing style across all of your photos to maintain a cohesive look.
  2. Start with a base preset that you like and tweak it to your preferences.
  3. Experiment with different color tones, exposure settings, and contrast levels to find the perfect look.
  4. Save your presets in an organized manner so that you can easily find and apply them.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to create your own presets that perfectly align with your brand and editing preferences.


In conclusion, the discontinuation of VSCO Lightroom presets has left many photographers and social media influencers searching for alternatives. While this decision may have come as a surprise, it’s important to remember that there are many other options available.

In this article, we explored what VSCO presets and Lightroom presets are, their history, and the importance of presets for photographers and influencers. We also discussed the impact of VSCO’s decision and provided alternatives, such as other popular Lightroom presets and creating your own.

At Ngcloudy.com, we understand the importance of having a consistent and cohesive brand identity. That’s why we encourage you to explore different presets and find what works best for your style. By creating your own presets, you can have complete control over the editing process and ensure that your images have a unique and personal touch.

We hope this article has provided valuable insights and solutions for those affected by the discontinuation of VSCO Lightroom presets. Remember, there are always alternatives and options available, and with a little creativity and experimentation, you can achieve the perfect look for your photos.