Can’t Import XMP Preset to Lightroom? Here’s What You Need to Know

If you’re a photographer or photo editor who uses Lightroom, you’re probably familiar with XMP presets. These presets are pre-made settings that you can apply to your photos to achieve a certain look or feel. However, importing XMP presets to Lightroom isn’t always a smooth process. In this article, I’ll explain what XMP presets are, why they’re important, and the common issues you might encounter when importing them to Lightroom.

What Are XMP Presets?

Lost in the process of importing XMP presets to Lightroom, even with the files in hand.
Lost in the process of importing XMP presets to Lightroom, even with the files in hand.

XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) presets are files that contain metadata and editing instructions for your photos. Think of them as a recipe for editing your images – they contain all the adjustments you’ve made to a photo, such as exposure, contrast, and color grading. XMP presets can be created in Lightroom or other editing software and are saved as separate files that can be imported into Lightroom.

Why Are XMP Presets Important?

The struggle of trying to import XMP presets to Lightroom is real.
The struggle of trying to import XMP presets to Lightroom is real.

XMP presets are an essential tool for photographers and photo editors because they help you save time and maintain consistency in your editing workflow. Instead of manually adjusting each photo, you can apply a preset with just a few clicks. This not only saves time but also ensures that your photos have a consistent look and feel, which is important for branding and aesthetics.

Common Issues When Importing XMP Presets to Lightroom

While importing XMP presets to Lightroom is a simple process, there are a few common issues that you might encounter. These include:

  • Incorrect file format or location: XMP presets must be in the correct file format and saved in the correct location for Lightroom to recognize them.
  • Compatibility issues: XMP presets created in other editing software may not be compatible with Lightroom.
  • Conflicting presets or settings: If you have conflicting presets or settings, it can cause issues when importing XMP presets.
  • Corrupted files: XMP presets can become corrupted, causing issues when importing them into Lightroom.

In the next section, we’ll explore these issues in more detail and provide solutions for each one.

Reasons Why XMP Presets Cannot Be Imported to Lightroom

If you’re having trouble importing XMP presets to Lightroom, there are several reasons why this might be happening. Here are some of the most common issues:

Incorrect File Format or Location

The first thing to check when you’re having trouble importing XMP presets to Lightroom is the file format and location. XMP presets must be saved in the correct format and location for Lightroom to recognize them. Make sure you’ve saved your preset in the correct location and that the file extension is correct.

Compatibility Issues Between Lightroom and XMP Presets

Another common issue is compatibility between Lightroom and XMP presets. XMP presets created in other editing software may not be compatible with Lightroom. If you’re having trouble importing a preset, make sure it was created specifically for Lightroom and that it’s compatible with the version of Lightroom you’re using.

Conflicting Presets or Settings

If you have conflicting presets or settings, it can cause issues when importing XMP presets. For example, if you’ve already applied a preset to a photo and then try to import a new preset, it can cause conflicts. To avoid this issue, make sure you’re not applying conflicting presets or settings to your photos.

Corrupted XMP Preset Files

Lastly, XMP presets can become corrupted, causing issues when importing them into Lightroom. If you’re having trouble importing a preset, it’s possible that the file is corrupted. To fix this issue, try recreating the preset or using a backup copy of the file.

By understanding these common issues, you can troubleshoot the problem and get your XMP presets imported into Lightroom with ease. In the next section, we’ll provide some solutions to these issues.

Troubleshooting Steps to Fix the “Can’t Import XMP Preset to Lightroom” Issue

Importing XMP presets to Lightroom is usually a straightforward process, but sometimes things can go wrong. If you’re having trouble importing XMP presets to Lightroom, here are some troubleshooting steps you can take to fix the issue.

1. Checking the File Format and Location

First, make sure that your XMP preset file is in the correct format and saved in the right location on your computer. XMP presets should be saved as .xmp files and placed in the appropriate folder on your computer. If you’re not sure where to save the preset, check the documentation for the preset or the software you’re using.

2. Updating Lightroom to the Latest Version

If you’re using an older version of Lightroom, it may not be compatible with the XMP preset you’re trying to import. Updating Lightroom to the latest version can help resolve compatibility issues and ensure that you can import your presets without any problems.

3. Resolving Conflicting Presets or Settings

If you have conflicting presets or settings in Lightroom, it can cause issues when importing XMP presets. To fix this issue, you need to resolve the conflicting presets or settings first. You can do this by resetting your settings to default or disabling conflicting presets.

4. Repairing Corrupted XMP Preset Files

If your XMP preset file is corrupted, Lightroom may not be able to import it correctly. To fix this issue, you can try repairing the file using a file repair tool or recreating the preset from scratch.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to fix the “can’t import xmp preset to lightroom” issue and import your preset successfully. If you’re still having trouble, you may want to try contacting Lightroom support for further assistance.

Alternative Ways to Import Presets to Lightroom

If you’re having trouble importing XMP presets to Lightroom, there are alternative ways to import presets that may work better for you. In this section, we’ll explore two alternative methods for importing presets into Lightroom.

Using the Lightroom Develop Module to Create and Save Presets

One way to import presets into Lightroom is by creating them within Lightroom’s Develop module. Here’s how:

  1. Open the photo you want to edit in Lightroom’s Develop module.
  2. Make the edits you want to apply to the photo.
  3. Click on the plus icon next to the Presets panel on the left-hand side of the screen.
  4. In the New Develop Preset dialog box, give your preset a name and select the settings you want to include.
  5. Click Create to save your new preset.

You can now apply this preset to any photo by selecting it in the Presets panel.

Importing Presets Using the Lightroom Preset Manager

Another way to import presets into Lightroom is by using Lightroom’s built-in preset manager. Here’s how:

  1. Open Lightroom and go to the Develop module.
  2. In the Preset panel, click on the plus icon and select “Import Presets” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Navigate to the folder where your presets are saved and select them.
  4. Click Import to import the presets into Lightroom.

Once your presets are imported, you can use them by selecting them in the Preset panel.

While these alternative methods may not work for every situation, they’re worth exploring if you’re having trouble importing XMP presets into Lightroom.

Best Practices for Importing XMP Presets to Lightroom

Importing XMP presets to Lightroom can be a simple process if you follow best practices. Here are some tips to help you import XMP presets to Lightroom without any issues:

Keep XMP Presets Organized and Labeled Correctly

Keeping your XMP presets organized and labeled correctly is essential for maintaining a streamlined editing workflow. Create a system that works for you, such as categorizing your presets by style or genre, and label them accordingly. This will make it easier to find the right preset when you need it, which can save you time in the long run.

Back Up XMP Presets to Avoid Losing Them

It’s important to back up your XMP presets to avoid losing them if your computer crashes or if you accidentally delete them. Save your presets to an external hard drive or cloud storage service, such as Dropbox or Google Drive. This ensures that you have a copy of your presets in case something goes wrong.

Test XMP Presets Before Importing Them to Lightroom

Before importing XMP presets to Lightroom, it’s important to test them to ensure they work properly. Apply the preset to a test image and check that the adjustments are correct and that the image looks the way you intended it to. This can help you avoid any issues or surprises when you apply the preset to a larger set of images.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your XMP presets are organized, backed up, and tested before importing them to Lightroom. This can save you time and frustration in the long run and help you maintain a consistent editing workflow.


In conclusion, importing XMP presets to Lightroom can be a challenging process, but with the right knowledge and troubleshooting steps, it can be done successfully. In this article, we’ve covered the definition and importance of XMP presets, as well as the common issues you may encounter when importing them to Lightroom. We’ve also provided solutions for each issue, including troubleshooting steps and alternative methods for importing presets.

Remember to keep your XMP presets organized and labeled correctly, and to back them up to avoid losing them. And always test your presets before importing them to Lightroom to ensure they work properly. With these best practices in mind, you’ll be able to import XMP presets to Lightroom with ease.

If you’re still struggling with importing XMP presets to Lightroom, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Lightroom community for support. And for more photography and editing tips, be sure to visit