Are Lightroom Presets Worth it?

When it comes to editing photographs, there are many tools and techniques available to enhance images. One such tool is Lightroom presets. Lightroom presets are pre-made editing settings that can be applied to photographs with one click. They can save photographers a significant amount of time and effort, but are they worth the investment? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of using Lightroom presets and help you decide if they’re worth it for you.

First, let’s take a closer look at Lightroom presets. Essentially, they are a set of editing instructions that can be saved and applied to photographs. For example, a preset might include adjustments to brightness, contrast, saturation, and sharpness. These settings can be applied to a single photo or a batch of photos, which can save photographers time when editing large numbers of images.

The benefits of using Lightroom presets are clear. They can save time and effort, create consistency in editing style, and help photographers achieve a professional look. But are these benefits worth the cost and potential drawbacks of using presets? In the following sections, we’ll explore the pros and cons of using Lightroom presets to help you decide.

What are Lightroom presets?

Transforming a photo with just one click! 🌅
Transforming a photo with just one click! 🌅

Definition of Lightroom presets

Lightroom presets are pre-made editing settings that are used to enhance the look of a photograph. They are essentially a set of instructions that adjust various aspects of an image, such as brightness, contrast, saturation, and sharpness. Presets can be applied to a single photo or a batch of photos, making it easier for photographers to edit large numbers of images quickly.

Explanation of how presets work in Lightroom

To use a Lightroom preset, you first need to import your photos into the Lightroom software. Once you’ve done that, you can apply a preset to a single photo or a batch of photos by selecting the preset from the Develop module. This will apply the preset’s editing settings to the selected photo or photos. You can then make further adjustments to the photo if needed.

Benefits of using Lightroom presets

There are several benefits to using Lightroom presets. First, they can save time and effort, especially when editing large numbers of photos. Instead of adjusting each photo individually, you can apply a preset to a batch of photos with one click. This can be a huge time-saver for professional photographers who need to edit large numbers of photos regularly.

Second, using presets can create consistency in your editing style. If you have a specific editing style that you like, you can create a preset that reflects that style and apply it to all of your photos. This can help create a cohesive look across all of your images.

Finally, presets can help you achieve a professional look in your photos. If you’re not an expert in photo editing, using presets can help you achieve a polished look without having to spend hours learning how to edit photos.

Pros of Using Lightroom Presets

Are Lightroom presets worth the investment? 🤔
Are Lightroom presets worth the investment? 🤔

When it comes to photo editing, time is often of the essence. Lightroom presets can save photographers a significant amount of time when editing large numbers of photos. With just one click, a preset can be applied to a single photo or a batch of photos, saving valuable time and effort.

Consistency in editing style is another benefit of using Lightroom presets. Presets can help photographers achieve a specific look or style across multiple photos. This can be especially important for photographers who shoot in similar lighting conditions or with similar subjects.

In addition to saving time and creating consistency, Lightroom presets can help photographers achieve a professional look and feel in their photos. Presets can be created by professional photographers and shared with others, allowing photographers to learn from other photographers’ editing styles and techniques.

Overall, the pros of using Lightroom presets include time-saving, consistency in editing style, professional-looking edits, and the ability to learn from other photographers’ editing styles. These benefits can be especially valuable for photographers who shoot large numbers of photos or who are looking to create a specific look or style in their work.

Cons of Using Lightroom Presets

While Lightroom presets can undoubtedly be useful in many situations, there are also some drawbacks to using them. In this section, we’ll explore some of the cons of using Lightroom presets to help you make an informed decision.

Lack of Individuality and Creativity

One of the main drawbacks of using Lightroom presets is that they can limit your creativity as a photographer. Presets are pre-made and standardized, which means that your photos may end up looking similar to those of other photographers who are also using the same presets. It can be challenging to create a unique style and stand out from the crowd when using presets.

Overuse of Presets Can Lead to Generic-Looking Photos

Another potential drawback of using Lightroom presets is that overusing them can result in generic-looking photos. While presets can be a great starting point for editing, relying too heavily on them can lead to a lack of originality in your work. Using presets as a crutch can prevent you from developing your editing skills and discovering your own unique style.

Presets May Not Work for Every Photo

It’s important to remember that not every preset will work for every photo. Presets are created with specific lighting conditions, subjects, and styles in mind. If you try to apply a preset to a photo that doesn’t match its intended use, you may end up with an unappealing result. It’s essential to have a good understanding of how presets work and which ones are suitable for your photos.

Cost of Purchasing Presets

Lastly, purchasing presets can be expensive. While there are many free presets available online, the highest quality presets are often sold by professional photographers and can cost a considerable amount of money. If you’re on a tight budget, purchasing presets may not be a feasible option for you.

Factors to Consider When Deciding if Lightroom Presets are Worth it

If you’re considering using Lightroom presets, there are several factors to keep in mind before making a decision. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most important factors to consider.

Personal Editing Style and Preferences

One of the most important factors to consider is your personal editing style and preferences. Lightroom presets can be a great way to achieve a certain look or style, but if you have a unique editing style or prefer to create your own presets, they may not be worth the investment. Consider your editing style and whether or not presets will align with it.

Photography Business Goals

If you’re a professional photographer, your business goals should also be taken into account when deciding if Lightroom presets are worth it. If you’re looking to create a consistent brand and style, presets can be a great tool. However, if you’re looking to create unique and personalized edits for each client, they may not be the best choice.

Budget for Purchasing Presets

Another factor to consider is your budget for purchasing presets. Some presets can be quite expensive, and if you’re on a tight budget, they may not be worth the investment. Consider the cost of purchasing presets and whether or not it aligns with your budget.

The Purpose of the Edited Photos

Finally, consider the purpose of the edited photos. If you’re editing photos for personal use or social media, presets may be a great option. However, if you’re editing photos for a professional project or publication, you may want to consider creating your own presets or editing each photo individually to ensure a unique and personalized look.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision on whether or not Lightroom presets are worth it for your unique needs and preferences.


In conclusion, the decision of whether or not to use Lightroom presets ultimately comes down to personal preference and circumstances. While presets can be a valuable tool for saving time and achieving consistent editing styles, they may not be right for everyone. It’s important to consider factors such as your individual editing style, photography business goals, budget, and the purpose of your edited photos before investing in presets.

However, if you do decide to use Lightroom presets, it’s crucial to choose high-quality ones. Look for presets created by reputable photographers or companies with a track record of producing excellent results. Additionally, it’s important to remember that presets should be used as a starting point for editing, rather than the only editing tool. Customization is key to achieving a unique, professional look.

At NG Cloudy, we believe that Lightroom presets can be a valuable tool for photographers, but they are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Consider your needs and goals carefully before investing in presets, and always be willing to experiment and customize to achieve your desired results.